
Arthur Christmas

"Arthur Christmas" is in theaters!! and the gallery has been updated :)

>> Arthur Christmas Gallery


Diego said 13 years ago :

plas plas plas!! fabulosos, una delicia, como de costumbre. Me flipan los humanos y la alfombra de oso.. all approved!!
felicidades! :D

sergio said 13 years ago :

uuuaauuu,... all approved!!! asi da gusto, te quiero de diseñador de produccion en la proxima, vale? :-P un abrazo :)
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Write down this word: DESPIC

new image added to 'sketches' (8)

(including a step by step)


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Write down this word: SANTI

new image added to 'sketches' (7)

(including a step by step)


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Write down this word: SANTI

portfolio 2011

my new portfolio is printed and ready!! :)


el jurele!! said 13 years ago :

Donde puedo comprarme el arte del Sergi!! :) Un pasote como siempre. Un abrazo meu!

joseba alexander said 13 years ago :

ole..!!! que bonico....congratulations.!!!
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Write down this word: XOTE

portfolio has been updated

About me > portfolio has been updated or direct link (.pdf) (6.7MB)


juarez said 13 years ago :

Hola Sergio! impresionante,tu trabajo...eres un maestro, de corazon.
Un abrazo :)
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Write down this word: XOTE

CV has been updated

About me > CV has been updated


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Write down this word: DONKEY

New image added to 'Sketches' (4)


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Write down this word: LONDON

New image added to 'Sketches' (3)


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Write down this word: DESPIC

New image added to 'Sketches' (6)


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Write down this word: LONDON

New image added to 'Sketches' (5)


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Write down this word: DESPIC

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